How To Focus On The Present Moment
How often are you actually paying attention to what’s going on for you right now? Even reading this - are you solely focused on paying attention to the task at hand? Focusing on the present moment can be challenging.
Why Loneliness Is Something We All Need to Tackle
How often do you feel lonely? Loneliness isn’t about being alone. In fact, you can be surrounded by people but feel completely alone, whether you are at home or at work.
Why It's Ok To Be Anxious Outside Your Comfort Zone
Stepping out of our comfort zones can be a daunting task. It requires us to face uncertainty, push our boundaries, and embrace new experiences. However, it is through these moments of discomfort that we grow and discover our true potential.
This Nerve In Your Brain Can Help Reduce Anxiety.
You might have heard about the vagus nerve and how stimulating it can improve your mental wellbeing, reduce anxiety and calm your nervous system.
The vagus nerve is the longest nerve in your body.
The term “vagus nerve” is actually shorthand for thousands of fibers.
The Best Mental Health Advice That Changed My Life.
In this post, I have compiled some of the best advice from my research into psychology and mental health.
They have really helped me when I felt my mood getting low.
Could You Have High Functioning Anxiety?
Have you heard of the term of high functioning anxiety? It’s not a formal mental health diagnosis.
Instead, it refers to people who live with anxiety but who can function well.
This blog explains more and gives you tips on how to manage it.
‘I’m A Medical Reporter Who Burnt Out. It Took 8 Minutes, 3 Times A Day, To Rebuild My Life’
Hi there. I haven’t sent you a blog for a while but wanted to let you what I have been up to.
I thought I would share my story about recovering from burnout.
How To Create Your New Normal. And Why Now Is The Perfect Time.
What has been the biggest change for you since the world has been dealing with the pandemic?
Our external world has been completely upended.
How Are You Navigating Life At The Moment?
How are you going?
We are all dealing with so many unknowns.
So much of our life feels like it's out of our control.
That’s not something we are used to experiencing.
Why New Year's Resolutions Fail And How To Change That
As the holiday glow fades, so can our resolutions to make this year and this decade the happiest and healthiest yet.
So, what can science tell us about how to avoid slipping back into old habits and make those goals stick?
These Holidays, What Matters To You?
This holiday season, do you want to do what you've always done or would you like to actually enjoy it for a change?
Why Changing How You Think About Stress Could Help You Be Less Affected By It
I've recently discovered that stress is more complicated than many of us realise, and how we think about it can change how it affects us.
"It’s Not What You Look At That Matters, It’s What You See.” ~ Henry David Thoreau
These days, more than ever before, we are regularly asked to cast judgement on people, on stories, and on ideas.