Increase Your Emotional Well-being
One of the most powerful things you can do for your emotional well-being is to increase connection in your life.
I've just come back from the Australian POTS Foundation conference where we discussed POTS, hypermobility disorders like Ehlers-Danos syndrome, long COVID, and ME-CFS.
As someone who is hypermobile and has orthostatic hypotension (BP drops when I stand up) it was so empowering to be with and learn more from clinicians and people with these conditions!
Everyone was carrying water bottles, drinking electrolytes, and putting lots of salt on their food like it was normal!
More than anything I realized why I feel so crappy when I don't put my physical health first (and therefore mental health).
I encourage you to do the same...
We Are All Unique.
There's no one-size-fits-all - but understanding what moves the needle to maximize your own well-being and to stick with it, is life-changing.
The last few days have reinforced my desire to recommit to my work to help you feel good without burning out.
To be on stages and workplaces where I can empower people to understand peak performance and how you can craft a life you love without sacrificing your well-being.
If I can help you with your workplace wellbeing goals, just reply to this email, and let’s chat!
And remember if no one else has told you today, I’m proud of you.
Take care, Soph x
Ps if you struggle with imposter syndrome, check out a video I made detailing how I overcame it.