Sophie Scott

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Feeling unfulfilled? Here's why …

How fulfilled are you, really?

You feel fulfilled when you live in line with your own values.

You feel that your life makes sense.

And that you are making a difference in the world.

I recently met Emily, at a recent burnout prevention talk I gave.

On paper, Emily had a dream job.

But in reality, she was constantly being undermined by her junior colleagues.

On top of that, she was micro-managed by bosses who constantly questioned her judgement.

Emily found she was making decisions based on trying to keep the peace, rather than acting in line with her true values.

She had a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach, knowing she couldn't be her true self at work.

And on top of that, the people around her weren't going to change.

Transitioning to a company with a much more collegiate environment gave Emily the sense of fulfillment she craved.

She was acknowledged for her hard work.

She was valued. 

She felt fulfilled.